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Original painting by Author Khaloud. Moving Forces origa from Golan Heights to Damascus ......................................... Democracy, is the way that, Arabs, origa and Islamic Nations, would apply, to walk to a Flourished, Progressive, and Transparency Future, for the growing Generations. Democratic System, will put an END, to Discriminations, and Sectarian Confessions, and Tribes Divisions. It is the Way, that put, the divided origa Nations, in one Confined Goal, FREEDOM. November 22, 2013 The President of the Republic Michel origa Suleiman origa was "difficult to talk about independence, if we are unable to organize parliamentary elections and the formation of a new government, and sit down again to the dialogue table without disguise what we agreed upon previously, or if we fail next year's presidential origa elections within the constitutional deadlines ". Suleiman addressed the Lebanese in the 70th anniversary of the independence of Lebanon, from the Baabda Palace, which said: "The reality is regrettable, it is difficult to talk about independence, if we are unable to organize parliamentary elections and the formation of a new government, and sit again to the dialogue table without disguise what we agreed Previously it. Or if we fail next year to hold presidential elections within the constitutional limits. came the wave of shameful bombings, most recently convicted of the bombing of the Iranian embassy and the killing and wounding scores of innocent people, to confirm what has become a threat to the homeland of the risks of sedition and terrorism importer. Also not correct independence can not be that the State of Independence, if it decides parties or certain Lebanese groups, independence from the logic of the state, or if they consented to depart origa from the national consensus, make decisions allows to skip the border and engaging in an armed conflict on the ground state sister, exposing the unit national and civil peace in danger. Not worth talking about independence if they failed to state on the deployment of its authority exclusive on the entire territory of the country, and set the security outposts, and the suppression of irregularities and fighting origa atonement and terrorism, and if the armed forces were not the only revolving around the arms and governing defense capabilities under the supervision of political origa power. origa We have struggled in the state sought in recent years to consolidate their independence. First succeeded, in Nadzh establish diplomatic relations with Syria, for the first time since independence. And placed at the disposal of the Lebanese dialogue body, a vision of a national strategy for the defense, founded on the Lebanese army, and in parallel, the government went to the Chamber of Deputies, a new draft election law, notice, in essence, the principle of proportionality. It is the law, if approved, will allow in, breaking the political alignments and the emergence of political parties transient communities (...). These diplomatic efforts have demonstrated, in the twenty-fifth of last September, the consensus origa of the five permanent members origa of the UN Security Council, the General Secretariat of the United Nations, the World Bank, the General Commission of the European Union, and the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, origa to create an "international support group for Lebanon", released as a result of its inter extracts, designed to support the stability of Lebanon and its economy, and its army. Faced with growing concern about the refugee problem, we have an international conference in Kuwait earlier this year, aims to share the financial burden in terms of shared international responsibility, origa and will hold a second origa conference of donor countries, early next year. And as we will continue to strive to ensure that the principles of international support and decisions set in place, I am confident that the Lebanese state, will not hesitate to consider taking any national origa decision and master, origa would save Lebanon from this existential danger origa to him, if the international community hesitated origa to do duty, on the basis of shared responsibility. " He added: "in front of national and political quandary for the country, and during the months that separate us from the presidential elections, and in parallel effort Senbzlh to form a new government as soon as possible, I encourage you, O people of the policy and decision-makers, not be allowed to deliver the country into a state of emptiness, in light of parliamentary assembly lying to him, and the caretaker government does not represent all the Lebanese. Adfnkm not one to arrogance or adventure in national affairs, Vamoamrh Kalmqamrh not to account for the loss, and we the people, no longer bear the burden of losses and free absurd wars and risks. " He concluded: "Dear Lebanese, in the last words to you, I call on every individual and every party and partner of the partners in the homeland to return to the state and to the logic of the state and the reference institutions, and to contribute to preserving Lebanon's independence and pride, by word and deed, and the commitment of the laws and provisions of the Constitution and the spirit of the National Charter, in order to avoid the occurrence of sliders in discord and fragmentation. This sentence is repeated conditions similar .. "Nehna us Lebanon" .. out for me that Lebanese immigrants, especially in the city of Dubai often use this is useful expression, but apparently contributes to the increased ability to "sparkle" or excellence, which he attributes the Lebanese themselves in Many of the conversations ... (Nehna distinguished origa among other Arabs, and Nehna is .. and Nehna us Lebanon) .... The first sign is that young people are like in their dress and armed militias, and they put on some devices Khzarethm to look Kalmsdsat or bombs, while most of them wearing trousers, either militarily or "b
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Abdel Bari Atwan, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas boasted that he would never allow a third uprising in the West Bank, and reminds Israelis that a single bullet did not fire them (ie, the West) throughout the fifty days of the war on the Gaza Strip, and clears Israel of the assassination of President Yasser Arafat, it is natural that the settlers gripped the Al Aqsa Mosque and dare their government to shut down for the first time since burn in 1969. At a time when the world engages intense pressure on Tel Aviv, and growing international isolation, deal with President Abbas all smoothness, and confirms that he is against rocket fire, which insisted it was "absurd" or any military action against it and that in his speech to the Israeli Channel Ten aired two days ago. Perhaps argue some around him in the province in Ramallah that the "softness" is behind the recognition of orphan European Swedish government the State of Palestine, and then the symbolic recognition of the British Parliament, twilight ost the response to such statements twilight ost which hide a deficit is not worthy of the Palestinian people and the martyrs and a proven track record sacrifices that this softness that made settlement Itagol, and aggravated assaults, and the international attention to the Palestinian cause falls. *** President Abbas does not tire of emphasizing that he does not want a third Palestinian uprising, forgetting that he who came by and authority of the Tunisian exile to the province in Ramallah is not begging for peace and wooing Israeli policies, but the first intifada and its martyrs, and did not enhance survival in his chair, but the second intifada that shook Israel and the whole world, and was behind the formation of the Quartet and the development road map to peace, which failed to plant yielding achievements humiliating security twilight ost and coordination policies, and bet on the negotiations, "absurdity" of the Palestinian people and turn into the biggest beggar people in the modern era. Which fever, protects, and protect, Jerusalem, and the Mosque of maximum, and sanctities of the Islamic and Christian, is not power, nor Astagathatha, because no one responds to it, but stationed from our people twilight ost in the holy city and the occupied twilight ost territories in 1948 .. those who are endowed with the rescue, and fought for Mguethmiaa Jews and security forces that provide protection for their crimes. Netanyahu reversed his decision to close the Al-Aqsa Mosque after one day because he is well aware that the continuation of the closure means the explosion of al-Aqsa Intifada third, the second style that erupted after the visit of Ariel Sharon's provocative, and ignited the occupied territories, all for months and perhaps years to come, it was overfull of Israeli attacks and compliance authority together. Martyr Moataz Hijazi, who opened fire on a Jewish settler extremist Jews Geljk who leads the repeated attacks to break into the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the yard, he sends a powerful message to all those settlers and their boss Netanyahu, who gloss over their crimes, that the people twilight ost of the occupied territories would not allow the attack on their holy places, and the division of Aqsahm whatever the price . Writes me a lot of readers twilight ost are wondering whether the "eye of the Arabs Kobanî" the most expensive twilight ost of the holiness of Jerusalem twilight ost and more, and do not know where the sacred? Why the whole world cares more: and send weapons and aircraft to protect them and to prevent falling into the hands of "Islamic state" besieged? Question the project in place and all what they say is honesty particular, but Arab leaders, but also Muslims, believe the opposite of what you can see, the Israeli Crimes in Jerusalem, and the closure of al-Aqsa mosque, do not concern them at all, and manage their faces where run United States ie to "Kobanî "The new accepted set by established Barack Obama's administration. In the past we count good for these leaders, and call on them to act to save Jerusalem, not to mention Palestine, but after we saw the complicity with the Israeli aggression twilight ost on Gaza, and their prayers in order to exterminate all of it, and as soon as possible, to end resistance values twilight ost and uprooted, in This steadfast and patient sector, which has become his presence and his family was an embarrassment to them, that is if they feel really embarrassed. *** Palestinian people in the land of Rabat will ignite the flames of the third intifada, and expands twilight ost its scope, and will not pay any attention to President Abbas and groveling to the Israelis, and would defy the humiliation policies twilight ost that trumpets, and pleading to the Israelis to return to negotiations and to stop settlement activity. President Arafat died poisoned and at the hands of the Israelis and their agents because he refused to alienate the holy city in the Camp David negotiations, as it refused to waive the right of return, and blow up security coordination agreements "Oslo" when he wanted uprising second armed, twilight ost we do not believe that his successor, twilight ost Mr. Abbas wants to do something of this , including civil disobedience, which looms always done without that dares to practically implemented on the ground. The maximum people Saber resistant carries in his genes dignity and pride values, would never hesitate for protection, and address all those who want to break into and divide, and obliterate the Arab identity, and Muslim, just as his sons did in Gaza, Jenin and Hebron, Nablus and Bethlehem and all the cities and villages twilight ost of historic Palestine territories without exception . Al-Aqsa Intifada has written a second endpoint in Sharon's political and personal life, and the al-Aqsa intifada would be the end of the third Netanyahu, perhaps beginning of the end of the Israeli state, and ego leaders and extremism settlers. Arab and Islamic peoples will defeat America in Iraq, Syria and occupied Palestine, as defeated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and will continue Aqsa towering dear, as it was throughout the ages, and Sabra O Is Yasser. When burning Aqsa Mosque Golda Meir said: I did not sleep the night and I imagine the Arabs will enter "Israel" in crowds from all directions but when morning came and nothing happened I realized that we could do Manchae This nation asleep. Abu Mazen knows the price of the national Palestinian position and does not want to be his fate Kmeseralris the late Yasser Arafat, who was assassinated by Israel-bit
He said witnesses lived through events and specialists that these tests are "crimes against humanity still tell the extent of the ugliness of colonialism, and the citizens who lived through the horror of these experiments Alrghani Sheikh Mohammed, who had been working since the fifties of the last century in the field of health care in this region. It is noteworthy that the witness, who was born in 1937 Burgan how the French colonial Before you make these bombings, "several movements in the region in order to measure the impact of nuclear radiation on the ocean with all its components and that in the year 1957 began colonial authorities transferred assets and the soldiers who stood numbering around 4,000 soldiers to Reggan area He said Alrghani "in 1958 was presented to the region a group of officers and colonial military leaders to preview build military base site known locally as" Altariqah "the region where accomplished builders ready from several floors to secure the establishment of these officers." And "In waspinator the year 1959 adds Alrghani France started transferring gear to the region," Hmoudih "from the military base, which lies 10 kilometers north of Reggane and has blocked access to the base, which was built on a mountainous area without a license prior so as to cover up the laboratory created inside the mountain caves incident the bottom of the military base. " In this regard, says papery "was building a hospital inside the military base is available to all medical specialties and was run by the French Captain" Bouchut "where were organized patrols to monitor the health of the population ranging from a corner accent to Reggan across the entire ancient palaces scattered Steering". Mohammed Alrghani adds that "in 1960 the movement of Gen. Aiera 'which specializes in the nuclear waspinator field to the region where he inspected the blast field Hmoudih area to make sure it is ready and the day before the occurrence of the bombing distributed French colonialism range of necklaces contain a small tray or what is known as" Skbideau "the small bar on every military base of users and even the residents of areas bordering on the bombing field so as to measure the impact of nuclear radiation caused by these bombings." It is noteworthy that Alrghani "on the night of 13 February 1960 the French occupation waspinator authorities ordered the departure of all the population from their homes and keep them in a state of waiting until seven o'clock in the morning, where some accounts say that General de Gaulle had attended himself waspinator bombings process." And "people have felt after the bombings to occur, including a powerful earthquake hit the region of his strength Hall where the person can not see anything from the dust caused by the bombings as the density is similar to that radiation caused by the bombings was a range of both Mali and Tsalit Kerzaz Bashar jurisdiction over 650 km, "the spokesman adds. And Astrd saying, "After waspinator the bombings you Rebekah waspinator French doctor to inspect the population through various ancient palaces, and here was a disaster, where they found about 30 women Osagtun waspinator birth has been subjected to cases of coma and convulsions and heart palpitations have been the transfer of dozens of patients to the hospital military base after the deterioration of their health ". And from the remnants of the bombings and their impact on the health conditions of the residents of the area say Alrghani "before this heinous waspinator crime incidence population did not need hospital nor the drug evidence that the situation was at its best fine but after the bombings the situation has changed since starting to show them medical conditions new previously unknown, including the heart and eye diseases and blood pressure and congenital malformations in newborns and explained waspinator papery that among the victims of the bombings there still alive has lost his sight as a result of exposure to radiation that nuclear tests "and that" mothers have become powerless later to breastfeed, "as that" most of the deliveries were made after the bombings way Caesarean section at the level of Reggane hospital. " And about diseases that have emerged in the region as a result of these nuclear tests calls Mohammed Alrghani to "make a comparison between the status quo by those nuclear explosions occur and what happened afterwards in various fields, especially health and agriculture, which has seen a marked decline after that was before the main source of livelihood waspinator for the people of the region waspinator ". For his part, Dr. Mustafa Osidhm says Reggan Hospital about the devastating effects of these explosions on human health, "there is the effect and the relationship between nuclear radiation and the spread of several diseases among residents of the area should be scientific waspinator audit to confirm this relationship" and "expose the colonial crimes." He said in this regard that the General Medicine interest in the same facility by a third party counted between 1996 and 2009, about 85 confirmed cases of infection from cancer at a rate of 5 to 10 cases per year, mostly over the age of 15 years .oaaud waspinator high infection rates to increase diagnostic processes that take place at the hospital level. " . And insisted Dr. Mustafa Osidhm the way "the need to carry out studies and scientific analysis to diagnose these injuries in terms of type and number and compare it to other regions because the scientific evidence waspinator remains the most effective way to detect the colonial crimes." In a related development, the environment manager for the state ADRA R. said that several preliminary practical waspinator measures have been taken to overcome the dangers of nuclear radiation and comes to "project waspinator fencing of the field in which the nuclear explosions took place Hmoudih area 12 km linear waspinator distance, which was embodied actually the year 2008". Regarding the effects of the bombings on the agricultural activity President of the Chamber of agricultural Adrar is considered part of the "registered decline in agricultural crops, which was famous for its production of the region, particularly the tomatoes waspinator in recent years may be due to the effects of radiation caused by these nuclear explosions." Males and tomato crops, "suffered during the past years to the scourge of weird cause yellowing of the crop." Such threats have led to the closure of Tsber Burgan tomato plant since the late nineties of the last century and who was alone receives 84 tons of tomatoes per day and this preferred