Birthday Diaranzon 13 April 2011 - Online Journal
Ayera 12 april gave an ANA Enforc more MARTINUS jong Rachelle VM. Eta has jen sunchi cu di grill and never gave the cabin for home and tambe Gianmarc for yiunan Griachelka, Giandra and Gilliandra. Hopi blessing tambe ta di bin for his mother Regina, mother Grace, father tambe di Oslin and his swanan Isho and Aldrin and his only cunja Wendy di ... .laga and haterz nan NEXT Envy. 1 love ... HEAVY YIU !!!
12 april to Ayera did fulfill his b-day and no tin cu gai Brandon Adamus cuenti naruto shippuuden 247 nothing. E ta di haja Hopi his mother Mercedes congrats your tata i Cyril and Hilda Jonovan your rumanan tambe Shahier without afo laga e ora chiki nan tur ta cu bula his pistonnan Cyranne Nahaley naruto shippuuden 247 Tarrell and his cunja Analisa Jayven Zheny famia kemp i i i adamus cousin primanan so i tambe Tonan Sonti his bro nan di di Juni socotoro Elton uffff to much to mention di tambe her soul Jadirah ora cu tur pe ta put redlight brandon have a nice day enjoy bo b-day jah bless.
Hiep hiep hoera, my only Tanchi awe ta haci Year of build Marybelle HENRIQUEZ, isa di fastioso more, but isa cumi stime ta ta pleita Hopi Hopi us, but after we bon ta ta us back another cu tom & jerry mane, pabien nephew cu dibo stimabo Hopi elven, anto no corda lubida another tin soon we ta e pasenshi 2 grooms, pabien Tanchi enjoy your day i love you.
Awe and sweet chick i lief her face cu bon di ta haci much awe chick Ana e di San Augustin i Sabanilla Abou HENRIQUEZ Marybelle, pabien di tur ta bin cu bo ta friendsnan too much to mention, but tur ta Ana More deseabo Hopi di bida , bo not scapa atrobe, pabien enjoy it.
To my lovely daughter Shante. I just have this to say. Have a very happy birthday. naruto shippuuden 247 On this your special day hope u enjoyin your day much luv coming from your mom Illiana Dasean your brother your Uncle Tony n aunty Keziah your grandma Zaraida n God Bless u With many more Happy B Day Baby Gyal
Awe ta Enforc an ANA HENRIQUEZ more di bida Marybelle, and chick face di cu and I was not, like sucks dede isa cu cu cu ta tiny chunk white sushi birando preto di, di pabien her mom, franklin, tata i rumanan his nephew cu i like tormente elven soon another pa cansabo, nan tur ta hopi deseabo sends Ana More di bida.
Hey you recognize me ?? If ta eta Marybelle HENRIQUEZ month, mihor met as taco bell, isa cu like eating taco, and chick di san agustin awe ta haci cu di 16 anja old pabien di bo ta bin cu mama ba ta bira awor bisabo sends a tiki grandi pa bira bo un bon poko much i grandi boka habri stop, i yuda a tiki cas i na di pa haci stop floho coi, i corda 16anja bo ta haci to stop sucking di awor dede. Pabien.
Awe April 13 di ta haci five Princessnan Ana e di famia Thode and Croes! This Naigelaine and Naigelienne Thode. Slingers naruto shippuuden 247 and curazon Messenger di nan tur ta have di cu nan ta hopi amiguitosnan mentioned ... di pa tur tur nan famia, especially cousin Johniel di nan, nan tanchisnan: Sulis, Levi, Jennifer and Johana, Albert-John omo nan, nan di other ompis painless dimes Oma and Opa di nan Flaco, Oma and Opa Gordo without lubida dimes di cu nan ta Mami and Papi Adora cu nan ta nan Stima a Universe naruto shippuuden 247 !!!!! Mane nan tur ta ora bisa 'ta lot grandi cb Ami' !! 'Ami Stimabo more Hopi ainda' hahahaha ... Hopi Blessing pa cu nan nan and Hopi Hopi Enforc Ana More !! Xoxo
Happy b-day pamiii baby sister to kumpli Zazy ku * 11 * Year of build kubo awe spera a day goes Dushi awe and not haci fastioso spera awo bira ku bo bon untiki much more and less noh fresko hahaha wish u all the best mii cute chubby God bless you muaaahhxxx LOVE you very much!
Awe ta kanta us happy b-day pa chubby but very cute and we kantante future ZAYENNE Muyden * this * ku to kumpli "> naruto shippuuden 247 11 <" ana awe and Hopi coal bin sunchi naruto shippuuden 247 ta bo di parti mom Karin stimabo HOPI and ta ku bisa mnd korda haci much and bon tende tambe !! dibo papi Eugene, bp Rumanan Angie, Justin, Joshua Eugene Andre & Maria nan bo oma & opa Stella without lubida Doc di prima bo / or so & nan nan vooral bo omo Dina & Sinai and friends nan bo di school without lubida ribabo Diva Moms jewels & Spera bo .. have fun ribabo God day and gosa h0o0o0piii bendishonabo WE LOVE YOU!
Awe ta net one and five years Croes famia cu ta worde Thode Bendiciona yegada di cu nan ta 2 Poppetjes Preciosasnan cu cai bou nomber di Naigelaine Thode and Thode Naigelienne !! Ya ta 5 Year of build cb cu nan ta haci cu hopi Orguyo awe and we ta celebrate big. Pabien and Hopi Blessing has di nan nan ta Mami and Papi, Omas and Opas, Tantanan and Ompisnan, Madrinanan and Padrinonan, Dushi cousin Bubi nan, nan di di amiguitosnan school and ... Traimerdia. Laine and want ta Tur Lienne Hopi Hopi Hopi pabien naruto shippuuden 247 and Ana More di Bida and Health !!! Pabien diparti Journal tmb pa e 2 Princessnan.
Hiep, hiep, ns ta hoerraaa sings one awe cu cu jena curason naruto shippuuden 247 Papa God gratitude na i pa ns prinsesa little angel di cas cu ta Juella Werleman turned 10 tomorrow. Hopi breaststroke sunchi i e ta di risibi your mom & dad cu ta stime