When I was eight years old, I was trying to paint. My grandmother threw comics my garbage and I would go into the container to pull them out of there. After much digging in the waste finds them torn, crumpled, smelly, with colors naruto shippuden episode 216 blurred by moisture (were painted with markers, and they do not tolerate moisture). Paste torn taped and eventually found a stash of drawings in the cracks between the bricks of an abandoned building. One of the few important things in my life was watching animation. I dreamed grow up to become an animator. In the days when the first program was interesting animated movie were real holiday. Lungs ached from running, just to not miss a second of the movie, which I followed now. Once even broke the locked door with several enhanced and shoulder (as feeble, sickly naruto shippuden episode 216 eight-year child can break locked door, do you realize what "doors" and "locks" we had at the time). For the shattered door drifted battle, but the real tragedy was that the missed episodes of "Bear Rakspin." After my grandmother and my mother naruto shippuden episode 216 recognized my true weakness, the penalties were already "no TV for a month," which really meant no painted stories and ignorance naruto shippuden episode 216 about the fate of my favorite characters. Moreover Bear Rakspin anyway I was banned naruto shippuden episode 216 because it had creatures that were neither people nor animals, naruto shippuden episode 216 there was "incomprehensible" (for mom and grandmother) contraptions and monsters, ie movie was Evil. One of the cartoons, which were brought behind naruto shippuden episode 216 the Iron Curtain in 1988, was called "Smehoranite." You can see her hat by clicking on the window above. At that time we were on vacation in Sandanski and our landlord had only a broken black and white TV-addled and vague image. Still I enjoyed what little I had. During the day reading books from the library, waiting to come announced in the newspaper "Evening News" time when placing "Smehoranite." The idea of "Smehoranite" was simple - Smehoranite (great apes) live in a beautiful utopia, but Sradlyovtsite (bad creatures like incurred the Russian ushanki) constantly threaten their paradise with treacherous plans and attacks. Unlike Smehoranite who they had settlements naruto shippuden episode 216 high in the trees Sradlyovtsite dwelt gloomy castle, and his boss had a great evil and adult sradlyo. One day I got a strange thought: "What if I had been born Sradlyo? I would live like Sradlyovtsite, although not want to be one. Is there anything I can do to get out?" I got a few answers: There was no way to oppose naruto shippuden episode 216 the Lord of Sradlyovtsite. He punished and harassed for poor suckers and would neshtyalo, and is incomparably more powerful than them. There was an option to find several sradlyovtsi who think like me, do riot or escape. He doubts, however, that there are such. And even if there were, probably while looking for them or persuasion, I'd be discovered. Fear of reporting, and the subordination of the other would betray me. The option to go to Smehoranite also dropped. In the worst case Smehoranite would hate me, but at best - to be afraid of me and I do not trust. Besides, if I Sradlyo, I would watch them with distrust, disgust and fear, because would not know anything about them, except that they are my enemies. Outside the world of animation had advantage - knowledge - and born as Sradlyo would not have this. Suicide for some 'strange' cause I did not like as output. I could not escape and into the wilderness. There probably would have died because there was to know how to find food and water. Even if you survive, I'd be completely alone in the sand and stones. I would not have a TV. And nobody naruto shippuden episode 216 would talk to me, ever. I was completely overwhelmed by the feeling that Sradlyovtsite no decision, even if some of them do not want to be what they are. At that moment I felt that shines something important that I touched something huge ... I walked all afternoon in the sun heated tiles in the courtyard and checked if I missed something. I was not ... no solution! I wanted to share it with several children, naruto shippuden episode 216 who knew about the movie, but I got the following answers: "Why do I imagine that I sradlyo after'm not?" "Sradlyovtsite are born evil, and smehoranite are born good, that's all." I understand they do not want to spoil the comfort and immediately stopped talking about it. Over time, sunk more. I noticed when declared "good" characters doing evil. Victims remembered naruto shippuden episode 216 extras that measure short and refer him accidentally, pointless and ridiculous ... and expect to forget them in seconds simply naruto shippuden episode 216 because they are in the spotlight. And then enjoy the happy ending of the protagonists. 14 years and became a determinist naruto shippuden episode 216 atheist, 16 - feminist, and more and more fall into the abyss. .
And I think this movie hell resented me because I felt that between smehoranite and sradlyovtsite no difference - both are simply hee