Saturday, October 4, 2014

Pokemon, or Pocket demons List priest Bemowskiego not also saves Pokemon, which is popular animated

Gdansk priest tells the faithful: "Hello Kitty is a symbol of Satan, and Lady Gaga bows from the waist demons" The entire text:,75248,13849078,Gdanski_ksiadz_informuje_wiernych___Hello_Kitty_to.html#TRrelSST#ixzz2j56XF5fg
- Who buys items with the image of Hello Kitty cat, gives your child into the hands of demons! - Is a piece of information card, which the faithful of the parish. Saint Therese of the Child Jesus in Gdansk received from the parish priest Andrew Bemowskiego after Sunday Mass. Theorems similar content priest gave a sermon <! - 1> Sunday Holy Mass on April 28 at. 10.30 in Gdansk parish of St. Teresa, nominally for children, was plain, weekly mileage. But only until the parish priest Andrzej Bemowski entered the pulpit and delivered a sermon. His words concerned mostly popular among children mascots Hello Kitty, whose image (present him above) is widely known not only children but also adults. Pink cat adorns because children clothing and shoes, often you can see it also tornistrach and piórnikach, is the heroine of animated films and computer naruto shippuden 256 games. For the priest Bemowskiego cat, however, is a symbol of the occult and black magic, inducing children to "fostering in them the sexual sphere." The priest gave expression to in his sermon, and then encouraged the faithful to receive information cards (title: "Hello Kitty, and Satanism"), cumulative threatening our children form and phenomenon. You buy children Hello Kitty? naruto shippuden 256 You give them into the hands of demons What specifically include the card? First of all, the genesis of the cat Hello Kitty. "What are the roots of a cat, he knows the whole world? Do people have the knowledge on this subject? I guess not everyone "- writes Gdansk priest. - "According to Spanish sources, the character naruto shippuden 256 kitten was created by the desperate father whose sick daughter was dying of cancer. Father to save the life of a child, made a pact with a demon, having offered for saving the life of his daughter to create a symbol that will be revered in the world. Of course - the glory of hell. The name is as follows: Hell - o - Kitty. As you can see there is no kitten ... mouth! Why? Because the child it is easy to close and inject any content. The child is unconscious. Also who buys items with the image of a kitten, exposes the child to serious risk of the spiritual realm. Makes a toddler in the hands of demons! "- So they sound the first paragraphs of the letter rozdawanego faithful. In fact, the figure naruto shippuden 256 of Hello Kitty Yuko Shimizu created naruto shippuden 256 - designer company Sanrio. The idea that the cat did not have a mouth, was just her authorship. The idea was to be a cat because in such a mood as the owner (when it is happy, naruto shippuden 256 it is to see the mascot of a smiling cat, and if you have a bad mood, then the cat has to look depressed). Theories of demonic mascot properties spread in turn service, which is a portal satirical naruto shippuden 256 premise, focusing most frightening and terrible for children stories. But ... not necessarily true. Unfortunately for Sanrio, theories, however, widespread service network, especially on the Christian side. Also in Poland, simply type the name of cats in Google, and already on the first page you will find information about the mascot Hello Kitty is really secretive naruto shippuden 256 satanistką. Spells and occultism in music videos Lady Gaga Later in the writings of Father Bemowskiego we read that Lady Gaga, currently the most popular pop singer in the world, a servant of demons, and his music videos quotes demonic spell. The following excerpt: "Sam Lady Gaga - tube Illuminati, dresses up in clothing adorned with the image of the cat [the Hello Kitty - ed. ed.]. Bows to the demons in their music videos and concerts, quotes spell endangering the audience, subjecting their diabolical manipulation and hypnosis, by signs, words and spells, ritual formulas, movement and symbolism of the occult. " Then again gets pink catkin, which is to stimulate children to awaken naruto shippuden 256 their sexuality. naruto shippuden 256 "Hello Kitty is introducing and developing in children the sexual sphere, and it's so innocent nice cat! Pink color - it's not just the color associated with sexuality, but most of all color strongly associated with the ideology of the New Age, as a symbol naruto shippuden 256 of the butterfly and the "Key of the Nile" - contempt for virginity! "
Pokemon, or Pocket demons List priest Bemowskiego not also saves Pokemon, which is popular animated creatures known computer game first, and then the movies and comic books such as anime and manga. Pokémon in popular culture are present naruto shippuden 256 since 1996, to which reference is found in a letter that they received from Gdansk faithful priests

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