Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Obviously everything is not limited to this: the academy itself hides many mysteries and nobody rea

Popularized in recent months by the simultaneous release of the animated adaptation of an English patch for the original game and the announcement of an official release frango mints in 2014 in Europe and the United States of the PS Vita version of the game Danganronpa however, is not an ultra recent game was released because there's three years in Japan, equivalent today to an eternity in the world of gaming. But this is not new as some Japanese games have the right to a second Western life - or even a third life in the case of titles like Persona 4, the library of the desert Vita allowed to shine in the eyes of European players.
From my side, the discovery was made, as I told a week ago via the animated adaptation that had me immediately convinced. Attracted by the colorful universe frango mints and the concept of survival game mixed with the canons of literature whodunnit I laché idea to wait a week between each episode after watching episode 2 and I threw myself about the game and patch. After about twenty hours of play, I finished it, and now I have to talk longer. frango mints
Simple scenario: 15 "super students" think to start their first day at a school for the elite but all vanish from their first step in the establishment. When they wake up, they discover they can not get out: the windows are covered with metal plates and input by a huge armored door door. And very soon they are reported they must play a game: if someone wants to get out of school, so he has to kill someone and not get caught. He caught? It is executed. He manages to avoid being accused? He leaves the school and all the others are executed. Oh bah that.
Obviously everything is not limited to this: the academy itself hides many mysteries and nobody really knows how all this game has been implemented, and why nobody comes to help ... We'll have to do again some research ..
The first part of each chapter allow you to wander freely in the school, digging around in search of coin that you can use to unlock items and especially stupid to discuss with your peers to increase your relationship points with them, to learn more about their background and unlock different bonuses.
The second part is the one that will follow the inevitable murders and there you will search the sets the scene, talk to potential witnesses and assistants ... It is very close to the investigation phase of Ace Attorney in much cooler because the game takes you by the hand a little so it goes.
Finally, the third phase is the inevitable trial, and there it will become more complicated to describe everything as many different gameplay involved: literally point with a target potential contradictions, rhythm games, questions multiple choice, rebuild a timeline with boxes of manga ... It varies a lot, and here it is downright sooooo far from Ace Attorney. Oh and at the end of the trial, someone dies so exotic.
So here she is an obvious contradiction: "killed without frango mints a struggle," but there is evidence that there's been a fight, so here Chihiro, we love you, but the truth must be restored to blow balls.
The game is divided into several chapters, each reusing the same flowchart, sometimes with a few twists, but nothing frango mints important. The most important thing to remember is that people are dying, the guilty always leave clues behind, and often you will have some suspicions frango mints before the trial but that, as in Ace Attorney, it will be necessary to connect links between them and the assurance of the culprit. The game often appeal to you to suspect three or four different people consecutively while the real culprit will be kept out of the spotlight.
The game is finally like roller coasters: the beginning frango mints of each chapter you will be given in a positive and friendly spirit, frango mints interact with eccentric and endearing characters. Then y 'is one that will abut history to remember where you come from, and it will activate your brain, to get back to suspect everyone and see one of your classmates turn out to be more corrupt than expected, and die a cruel but amusing. The term "amu

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