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Drewan Baird. Oudtshoorn. 1 September 2013. 10h45. The Political Ice Age that started on May 31, when a feckless DA caucus failed spectacularly to take over the Council and Oudtshoorn s government, is set to continue after Wednesday s Council Meeting… if the DA gains a majority.
As soon as Wednesday s Council ice age 3 games Meeting is done, Pierre Nel and Wessie van der Westhuizen will, in all probability, be history. And two proportional Councillors, probably Ewa Fortuin and Felicity Magxaka, will be replaced by two of the May 31 Apostate Five who have been conned into believing the DA actually wants em. With Wessie gone, if Aunty Patricia allows Godzille to control her own, there may even be room for three of the horrible five.
The DA leadership can ill afford to have the current Caucus run Oudtshoorn. This lot couldn t be trusted with running a bath. And I happen to know that Helen Zille and her closest advisors realise this to be a fact.
Caucus Chair Wessie van der Westhuizen is said to have been found guilty, by an Eden tribunal, on 5 counts of conduct unbecoming, ice age 3 games to be confirmed this Friday next. And he faces criminal complaints of fraud, forgery and uttering not filed by any DA functionary, to be noted.
New DA Councillor Jurie Harmse ice age 3 games faces grave complaints of contravening Section 4(1)(a)(i)(aa) and / or 4(1)(a) (ii)(aa) and / or 4(1)(a)(iii) and / or 4(1)(a)(iv) read with Sections 1, 4(2), 24, 25, 26(1)(a)(ii) and 26(3) of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, No. 12 of 2004: Corrupt Activity relating ice age 3 games to Public Officers; and of Section 3(a)(i)(aa) and / or 3(a)(ii)(aa) ice age 3 games and / or 3(a)(iii) and / or 3(a)(iv) read with Sections 1, 24, 25, 26(1)(a)(ii) and 26(3): Corruption.
The party membership of Councillor Pierre Nel remains suspended at this time but he is still a Councillor : The DA, think about this, regards Nel to be not good enough for the DA, but quite good enough for Oudtshoorn. The arrogance is discombobulating; the contempt horrifying.
Spurious Mayor Elect , a la May 31, Ben van Wyk, also had his membership suspended, but was reinstated when he whined to the leadership that he himself was conned into believing that he was indeed the Mayor of a Council controlled by the DA… and the DA Leadership, astonishingly, bought this rhubarb. As the DA Leadership bought Van der Westhuizen s conspiracy against poor me codswallop.
Every DA Caucus member is implicated in the fraudulent Constitutional Court Settlement in the Pierre Nel v Oudtshoorn Municipality matter. (It must be said that ward 7 Councillor Peter Roberts was, by all indications, not party to the con, which means that only 10 Councillors could have approved the con, as Nel, being a party to the settlement surely could not have voted on the motion, making a mockery of the so-called majority of Councillors decision lamely proposed by the perpetrators ice age 3 games as justification for their diddle.)
In the three months the DA was NOT in control of the Council since May 31, the DA conned ratepayers into believing that the DA did, in fact, take control on May 31; attempted ice age 3 games to swindle ratepaters out of millions in legal costs awarded to the municipality ice age 3 games by both the Western Cape High Court twice, and the Supreme Court of Appeal; and embarrassingly failed to get its divided political ice age 3 games house in order for the soonest Council Meeting after the August 7 by-elections.
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Nou wonder ek net tot wie was daar gebid ,toe “gebedsessies” gehou was op sportvelde en kerke om vir madiba en oudtshoorn te bid.Ek kan onthou hoe baie mense hewig ontsteld was oor die een party nie die ander party se byeenkomste ondersteun nie;Wys jou net ,mens moet uiters versigtig wees.Gedurende apartheid het die slagoffers van hierdie bose wetgewing mense laat besef,daar is net een manier om ware verlossing te kry en dit is om biddend te bly tot DIE HERE GOD.Die mense het besef dat die opofferings wat hulle sou maak niks in vergrlyking is met die beloning wat sou wag.Nie almal was eerlik en opreg nie,want baie se motiewe was nie suiwer nie.Dieselfde CHRISTUS wat daar vir ons in aparthreid was en vir ons die oorwinning bewerkstellig ice age 3 games het is dieselfde CHRISTUS op wie ons ,ons rug gedraai het noudat ons vry is..Ek glo nie mense besef,die krag van gebed van manne en vroue wat onder erge marteling en vernedering in apartheid CHRISTUS ,selfs binne die tronke aanbid ice age 3 games en verkondig het nie. Hulle was die onskuldige marteiare,mense wat besef het dat die CHRISTUS wat daar in apartheid was HOM nie laat misbruik nie,daarom was daar met die oorwinning oor apartheid ,vol gepakte kerke om vir CHRISTUS dankie te se..GEDURENDE DIE LANG EN DONKER JARE VAN DIE MIDDEL EEUE ,HET DIE BLOED VAN MARTELARE IN STROME GEVLOEI,MAAR DIE BLOED VAN DIE HEILIGE MARTELARE HET DIE LEWENDE SAAD VAN DIE KERK GEWORD.Ek was nooit in die bevoorregte possie
Drewan Baird. Oudtshoorn. 1 September 2013. 10h45. The Political Ice Age that started on May 31, when a feckless DA caucus failed spectacularly to take over the Council and Oudtshoorn s government, is set to continue after Wednesday s Council Meeting… if the DA gains a majority.
As soon as Wednesday s Council ice age 3 games Meeting is done, Pierre Nel and Wessie van der Westhuizen will, in all probability, be history. And two proportional Councillors, probably Ewa Fortuin and Felicity Magxaka, will be replaced by two of the May 31 Apostate Five who have been conned into believing the DA actually wants em. With Wessie gone, if Aunty Patricia allows Godzille to control her own, there may even be room for three of the horrible five.
The DA leadership can ill afford to have the current Caucus run Oudtshoorn. This lot couldn t be trusted with running a bath. And I happen to know that Helen Zille and her closest advisors realise this to be a fact.
Caucus Chair Wessie van der Westhuizen is said to have been found guilty, by an Eden tribunal, on 5 counts of conduct unbecoming, ice age 3 games to be confirmed this Friday next. And he faces criminal complaints of fraud, forgery and uttering not filed by any DA functionary, to be noted.
New DA Councillor Jurie Harmse ice age 3 games faces grave complaints of contravening Section 4(1)(a)(i)(aa) and / or 4(1)(a) (ii)(aa) and / or 4(1)(a)(iii) and / or 4(1)(a)(iv) read with Sections 1, 4(2), 24, 25, 26(1)(a)(ii) and 26(3) of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, No. 12 of 2004: Corrupt Activity relating ice age 3 games to Public Officers; and of Section 3(a)(i)(aa) and / or 3(a)(ii)(aa) ice age 3 games and / or 3(a)(iii) and / or 3(a)(iv) read with Sections 1, 24, 25, 26(1)(a)(ii) and 26(3): Corruption.
The party membership of Councillor Pierre Nel remains suspended at this time but he is still a Councillor : The DA, think about this, regards Nel to be not good enough for the DA, but quite good enough for Oudtshoorn. The arrogance is discombobulating; the contempt horrifying.
Spurious Mayor Elect , a la May 31, Ben van Wyk, also had his membership suspended, but was reinstated when he whined to the leadership that he himself was conned into believing that he was indeed the Mayor of a Council controlled by the DA… and the DA Leadership, astonishingly, bought this rhubarb. As the DA Leadership bought Van der Westhuizen s conspiracy against poor me codswallop.
Every DA Caucus member is implicated in the fraudulent Constitutional Court Settlement in the Pierre Nel v Oudtshoorn Municipality matter. (It must be said that ward 7 Councillor Peter Roberts was, by all indications, not party to the con, which means that only 10 Councillors could have approved the con, as Nel, being a party to the settlement surely could not have voted on the motion, making a mockery of the so-called majority of Councillors decision lamely proposed by the perpetrators ice age 3 games as justification for their diddle.)
In the three months the DA was NOT in control of the Council since May 31, the DA conned ratepayers into believing that the DA did, in fact, take control on May 31; attempted ice age 3 games to swindle ratepaters out of millions in legal costs awarded to the municipality ice age 3 games by both the Western Cape High Court twice, and the Supreme Court of Appeal; and embarrassingly failed to get its divided political ice age 3 games house in order for the soonest Council Meeting after the August 7 by-elections.
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Nou wonder ek net tot wie was daar gebid ,toe “gebedsessies” gehou was op sportvelde en kerke om vir madiba en oudtshoorn te bid.Ek kan onthou hoe baie mense hewig ontsteld was oor die een party nie die ander party se byeenkomste ondersteun nie;Wys jou net ,mens moet uiters versigtig wees.Gedurende apartheid het die slagoffers van hierdie bose wetgewing mense laat besef,daar is net een manier om ware verlossing te kry en dit is om biddend te bly tot DIE HERE GOD.Die mense het besef dat die opofferings wat hulle sou maak niks in vergrlyking is met die beloning wat sou wag.Nie almal was eerlik en opreg nie,want baie se motiewe was nie suiwer nie.Dieselfde CHRISTUS wat daar vir ons in aparthreid was en vir ons die oorwinning bewerkstellig ice age 3 games het is dieselfde CHRISTUS op wie ons ,ons rug gedraai het noudat ons vry is..Ek glo nie mense besef,die krag van gebed van manne en vroue wat onder erge marteling en vernedering in apartheid CHRISTUS ,selfs binne die tronke aanbid ice age 3 games en verkondig het nie. Hulle was die onskuldige marteiare,mense wat besef het dat die CHRISTUS wat daar in apartheid was HOM nie laat misbruik nie,daarom was daar met die oorwinning oor apartheid ,vol gepakte kerke om vir CHRISTUS dankie te se..GEDURENDE DIE LANG EN DONKER JARE VAN DIE MIDDEL EEUE ,HET DIE BLOED VAN MARTELARE IN STROME GEVLOEI,MAAR DIE BLOED VAN DIE HEILIGE MARTELARE HET DIE LEWENDE SAAD VAN DIE KERK GEWORD.Ek was nooit in die bevoorregte possie
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