Friday, September 20, 2013

Today reported Pieter Malan Report Dr Fourie by Richard Fourie, a senior member of the management i

Dr Pieter Fourie, CEO of Bible Media and therefore the Kerkbode boss in last week's Kerkbode an article written pokemon trainer club that man's conscious personal existence after death denied, and by implication deny the existence of heaven.
Today reported Pieter Malan Report Dr Fourie by Richard Fourie, a senior member of the management in a letter charged that he was lying about the "right channels" is likely to result in the sponsor of Abel Pienaar and Lina Spies Word Festival.
The conclusions that one should: pokemon trainer club Jean Oosthuizen just assignments, or just co-conspirator. The culprits are higher up in the organization. The names mentioned in the article is chairman Pieter Fourie and Danie Mouton of Bible Media's board.
From Fourie's denial of basic principles of the Gospel in his article, namely the personal existence of man after death and the existence of heaven, we must assume that he had ideological reasons to Abel Pienaar and Lina Spies support.
BM, a non-profit company, the media company of the DRC and publishers of Kerkbode and Light magazine.
But things dramatically to a head when the head of the company's publishing and video section, Richard Fourie at the weekly staff meeting on Monday admitted he wrote the letters.
"Then you have the audacity to say ... that Kerkbode, such as the DRC, a contribution for the healing of our country. Hello? Healing in our country? But the chairman of the CA board lying like a tooth puller! "Someone like you should not be a responsible position ... fill in the church setting.
Like this:
My beloved, the 7000 Chosen oorblewe remnants ministers and elders pokemon trainer club in DRC, the whole counsel of God as ekesegestiese preaching and not only with the accent on bekeringspreding, pokemon trainer club but election, predestination, pokemon trainer club justification, sanctification, pokemon trainer club and glorification that all the properties, the personality, the character of God our Father in heaven and our sweet Lord Jesus Christ preached by the sweet power of the Holy Spirit. The elders and women in office, must be competent as adult Sunday School pokemon trainer club teachers. Each church must have a library with good opbouede works of the giants of the kerkgeskiedenis.n Giant Andrew Murry's work should not be forgotten. We must have annual conferences in the U.S. about the heroes pokemon trainer club of church history bv.n really know Andrew Murray konferensie.Min Calvinists Calvin. Our Christmas show at Martin pokemon trainer club Luther God's sweet, sweet, holy, righteous, vuurspewende's gentleness and love to His elect cherish and fervor to destroy the enemies of the church. The DRC the puritans and drafters of the belydensisskrifte bread needs, children pokemon trainer club of God who paid with their lives as martyrs for the truth. Men like Jonathan Edwards, Jeremiab Burroughs and contemporary giants such as RC Sproul and Steve Lawson and Peter Hammond can with vrydmoedigheid as mentors adhered to because they do not seek the popularity and to flatter nie.Eerstens members and above all drenched with each member with the word of the living God, the Father of Jesus Christ, the Creator of heaven and earth. Jesus as High Priest who live His children intercede and send the Holy Spirit pokemon trainer club constantly to cultivate His resurrection power in our members and our midst of battle, weaknesses, trials are more than conquerors from the fullness of His bounty.
The irony for me is that hierie people react against a rigid kind of Calvinism. They just want the dead return to be but an old dust (ps 90: 3), but now summarily declare that God is all in all (I Cor 15: 28). In themselves as pan-and-theists. Then your relationship to God's person pokemon trainer club disappears, and not long, so start your personality unravel. You lose your temper, and consultants to search pokemon trainer club for. Sometimes there is virtually pokemon trainer club no damn place, and now it looks like the big nothing would be in everyone. Who among us does not know the temptation of the flesh to live? We live in the flesh, check Paul hinted in Gal 2: 20. We are not Platonic spoekies, but people of flesh and blood. But if we live according to the flesh, we eventually more intolerant than the worst Calvinist ever. It is essential that the Spirit in each situation our behavior. If we can retain free favor of Calvin, we will pursue the very sanctification of Wesley. In Psalm 90 it is God himself that we all return to the dust. What a privilege. Rather let us rub our nose in the dust before the broken, because we went in the same yoke with unbelievers wanted. The unbelievers are free to come with us. Go

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